Southern Boom CrossFit – SBFlex
10-8-6 (Weight)
Double Overhand No Hookgrip Deadlift
-Rest :30-
Box Jumps (30/24)
-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-
(Score is Weight)
GOAL: RPE 8 | This is still a primer for the giant set coming up in the FLEX BODYBUILDING section of the programming. The grip should limit how heavy you can go on these, which is exactly what we want. If you can go a little heavier than week 1, great!
Metcon (Checkmark)
1.) 4-5 SETS
12-16 Pendlay Row (Moderate)
-Rest :10-
12-16 DB Chest Supported Row (Moderate)
-Rest :10-
Max Reps Feet Elevated Inverted Row
-Rest :10-
Max Reps Banded (OR Cable) Lat Pull Down
-Rest :10-
Max Reps Banded (OR Cable) Straight Arm Lat Push Down
-Rest 4:00 b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
2.) 2-3 SETS
8-12 Incline Supinated-Grip DB Curl (Moderate)
-Rest :30-
8-12 Seated DB Hammer Curl (Moderate)
-Rest :30-
12-16 Incline Pronated-Grip DB Curl (Light)
-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
GOAL: RPE 9 | Revisiting this Giant Set from Week 1 to light up the back and lats here. Try your best to keep the biceps out of the pulling movements in the first piece. The biceps will get plenty of work in the final tri-set of the day—the perfect way to start any weekend. Enjoy!
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