Southern Boom CrossFit – SBCOMPETE

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Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments…

GOAL: Focus is the Handstand Push-Ups. Aim for 2 Big sets or unbroken. Try to keep the Strict Pull-Ups and the DB Deadlift to 2-3 quick sets.


6 SETS (Weight)

Complete 1 Unbroken Rep of Complex…

1 Snatch Pull


1 Hang Power Snatch


1 Power Snatch

-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-

(Score is Weight)
GOAL: RPE 7 | Goal is to hang on to the bar. We’re looking for the Power Snatch to be Touch and Go after the Hang Power Snatch. Look to hit around the 70% or more of your Snatch on this one. Complete your first 3 Sets at an RPE 7. If sets go well, you can build heavier for your last 3 sets. If we’re feeling off today keep the same weight for all 5 sets.


AMRAP x 20 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 Shuttle Runs*

15 Cal Row**

*1 Rep= 25′ Down + 25′ Back.

**Row increases by 5 Cals every round

(Score is Rounds + Reps)
GOAL: RPE 8 | Start at a moderate pace on the Row, consistent pace on the Shuttle Runs. Eventually we want to be at a moderate-hard pace on the Row and hold that pace. Make sure you never slow down on the Row. The pace should be consistent or getting faster.

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