Southern Boom CrossFit – SBCOMPETE
Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments…
GOAL: Big sets on the Push-Ups, unbroken on the Pull-Ups. Strong pace on the bike should be 1:40 or less. Consider Chest to Bar or vest.
EVERY 3:00 x 3 SETS (Time)
40 Crossover Singles
20 Alt. Hang DB Snatch (50/35)
60 Double Unders
-Rest w/ Remaining Time-
(Score is Slowest Set)
GOAL: RPE 8 | Jump Rope Shoulder Work. Start with the Jump Rope. Aim for unbroken on the DB Snatches. Goal is to be able to complete all the Jump Ropes unbroken each round and also being able to use the same Jump Rope. No more than :40 on the Jump Ropes cut the reps down if necessary.
4 SETS (Time)
25′ DBL DB Front Rack Lunges (50/35)
25′ Handstand Walk
-Rest :30 b/t Sets-
(Score is Slowest Set)
GOAL: RPE 8 | Quick sprints. Work the DBs down with the Lunges, then walk it back on the hands. Quick shake out with the rest, then right back to the sprint.
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