Southern Boom CrossFit – SBCOMPETE

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Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments…

GOAL: If you’ve never completed this before, add 1 Burpee and 1 Calorie to your last attempt. If you’re feeling it, let’s give it a shot see how far we can get. If we miss, just skip one round and take the Burpees and Calories down to a sustainable number.


FOR TIME* (Time)

50 Double Unders

40 DB Front Rack Walking Lunges (50/35)

30 Handstand Push-Up

50 Crossover singles

30 DB Overhead Walking Lunges

20 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups**

*Double DBs

**3.5″ deficit for men/2″ deficit for women

(Score is Time)
GOAL: RPE 8 | Try to stay consistent on how many reps you’re doing unbroken on the Lungs. If that means sets of 10 or 8, stay consistent with that. Have a plan for how you’re going to break up the Handstand Push-Ups to keep the rest between movements minimal. Stay relaxed on the jump rope to not blow up your shoulders.


Weighted Pull-ups (ON A 12:00 CLOCK
Build to a Heavy 2-Rep Weighted Pull-Up

(Score is Weight)

GOAL: RPE 7 | Straight forward, if it feels good keep going up! Focus on keeping your speed on your Pull, don’t let the weight dictate that ascent.

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