Southern Boom CrossFit – SBCOMPETE

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Perform the NCFIT Performance workout with the following goals and/or adjustments…

GOAL: Push the Bike hard and aim for unbroken on the Toes to Bar. Consider legless for one or both of the Rope Climbs. Use the Burpees to recover for each round.


AMRAP x 14 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18 Box Step-Overs (24/20)

12 Alt. No Push-Up DB Renegade Row (50/35)

6 50′ Shuttle Runs*

3 Walk Walks

*1 Rep = 25′ Down + 25′ Back

(Score is Rounds + Reps)

GOAL: RPE 7 | This should be more like a 14 minute flow of intentional movement and get a good sweat going. Think about your footwork on the step overs, the flow of the renegade row, the stride during the shuttle runs, how many/long our wall walk steps are!


2 SETS FOR QUALITY* (No Measure)

250m Ski

50′ Handstand Walk**

50 Crossover Singles

50′ Handstand Walk

*Must perform 25′ increments for HS Walk

**Option to perform 25′ Down + 25′ Backwards Walk

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

(No Measure)

GOAL: RPE 7 | Your call on how hard you want to push it. If you’re feeling good see if you can really get the heart rate up and work the HS walk breathing heavy. Otherwise keep the heart rate in check and focus on skill practice.

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