Southern Boom CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds

90 seconds on machine or 400m run

5/5 lateral step ups

30 seconds free handstand hold


Back Squat (1×8, 1×6, 1x max effort )

Pick a weight that you think you can hit for 8-12 reps

From that the first set of 8 will be at 50% slow controlled pause squats. 3 sec down full pause no bounce out of the bottom

2nd set will be at 75% fast reps

3rd set will be at the weight you chose max effort


Metcon (No Measure)

Every 4 min for 16 min

15 KB swings@53/35

20 burpees

15 KB swings
Scale the number of burpees to something you can do in 1:30

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