Wrecking ball
CrossFit Metcon (Time) In teams of 3 complete the following: Buy-in: 75 clean and jerks 155/105 Then, 3 rounds of: 100 squats and toss over rig 35/25 300 ft toss […]
CrossFit Metcon (Time) In teams of 3 complete the following: Buy-in: 75 clean and jerks 155/105 Then, 3 rounds of: 100 squats and toss over rig 35/25 300 ft toss […]
CrossFit Metcon 200m Run 100 KBS 200m Run 80 Pull ups 200m Run 60 Box jumps 200m Run 40 Burpees 200m Run 60 Wallballs 200m Run 80 Air Squats 200m […]